Airbnb AR Map Concept

Helping hosts guide and instruct their guests more easily and efficiently

Helping guests have a better onboarding and hassle-free stay

Seen on The Verge , CNET and VentureBeat

6+ million listings in 191 countries

Example case

Our family house and the problems we encounter



  • Can I drink tap water?
  • How does this air conditioner work?
  • What is the best public transit from/to the home, until when does it run?
  • Where are extra towels, toilet papers?
  • How can I use the washing machine?



  • Guests can not find the place, because it’s not shown on Maps.
  • Guests can not find the place, because it’s not shown on Maps.
  • It’s hard to explain, how to separate the garbage for recycling and where we dispose it.
  • People keep asking how to operate heating.
  • Hard to struggle with Google Translate to explain things to the guests.

Pain points of other hosts and guests

Existing Solutions

1- Airbnb House Manual

1- Airbnb House Manual


  • Hard to discover

  • Text-only

  • Not accessible offline

  • Guests don’t read it

  • Hard to remember/know for the host which information to provide

  • No translation provided

2- Third party applications


  • Requires downloding a second app and switching between apps

  • Asks for payment

  • Text (+ rarely image) only

3- Leaving letters and notes at home


  • Host has to be in the place for leaving or editing the letter

  • Not interactive, gives limited content

  • Text and/or photo only

  • Updating the notes are time consuming

  • Not easy to provide different languages

  • Hard to remember/know which information to provide

Problems with

Existing Solutions

Having to downlod, pay for a second app,

then switch between apps

Host has to be in the place for leaving or

editing the letter.

Updating the notes are time consuming

Hard to remember/know for the host which

information to provide

Text and/or photo only

Not interactive, gives limited content

Guests don’t read it

Hard to discover

Not accessible offline

Not easy to translate

Things to Consider for

a New Solution

→ Should be a part of Airbnb app

→ Should have a template with possible items to select

→ Should allow different input formats

Should be easy to find and consume, and be given in the right context

→ Should be downloadable & printable

→ Should have the option to view in any language

→ Bonus: Enhanced “Contacts”

Having to downlod, pay for a second app,

then switch between apps

Host has to be in the place for leaving or

editing the letter.

Updating the notes are time consuming

Hard to remember/know for the host which

information to provide

Text and/or photo only

Not interactive, gives limited content

Guests don’t read it

Hard to discover

Not accessible offline

Not easy to translate

→ Should be a part of Airbnb app

→ Should have a template with possible items to select

→ Should allows different input formats

Should be easy to find and consume, and be given in the right context

→ Should be downloadable & printable

→ Should have the option to view in any language

→ Bonus: Enhanced “Contacts”


How to show and find objects or spaces at home, and how to give and view instructions about them ?

Gathering Information & Inspiration

Collecting House Manual Content

Gathering Information & Inspiration

Final House Manual Content

Screenshot from Airbnb app

Redesign with new features


View / Edit listing

View / Edit listing

Redesign with new features

House Manual & AR Map

Design iterations for new features


Design iterations for new feature


Final Screens


View Booking, House Manual & AR Map

Design iterations for new features


Design iterations for new feature


Final Screens

Arrival to the house